【Tomato Stir-fried Golden Eggs】at Hun Yuan Yong Le Palace

Based on the Yuan Dynasty's Yongle Palace morning scene training lora
Suggested weight 0.8-1.0, can be decided independently
Can be used in conjunction with other lora, very stylized, giving a sense of mural
Relatively weak in character generation, better than building generation
Inclusion of mythical creatures in training, can try to generate
Suggested keywords:
Suggest less emphasis on human aspects, as the generation of human figures is weak
Negative keywords reference:
The piece is unimaginative, featuring a cluttered arrangement and mismatched colors. There is a significant lack of intricacy, leading to a weak overall presentation. The figures are disproportionate, the background is unclear, and the strokes are rigid. The artwork seems flat and dull, missing any emotional resonance or substance.
The artwork is devoid of originality, with a confusing composition and poorly chosen colors. The lack of detail is evident, making the overall impact unimpressive. The figures are incorrectly scaled, the background lacks definition, and the lines are unrefined. The piece feels empty and lifeless, lacking any sense of emotion or depth.